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MMA Teen Classes

MMA for Teen's!

Mixed Martial Arts is the fastest growing sport in the world and here at The MMA Room we believe it's the perfect tool for young people to learn to become the very best they can be.

With fitness, discipline and camaraderie at its heart, The MMA Room provides the perfect environment to practice and learn the skills required to become competent and confident martial artists! 


Our teenage classes start at Year 7 and we split the kids into 2 groups.

Group 1 – 4:10pm – Years 7, 8 & 9

Group 2 – 5:15pm – Years 10 & 11

Sixth form are welcome to join the adult sessions in the evening.

Classes run twice a week, with groundwork skills on a Monday and standing and striking skills on a Thursday.

Classes are suitable for all levels, and we welcome beginners and new members every month.


We require a parent or guarding to come to the start of their teens first session, so we can witness them completing and signing a medical waiver for their child. After that there is no obligation for parents to stay, but those who want to stay and watch are welcome.

The first 2 visits are free, after that if you want to join, the costs are:

£40 per year for registration and insurance


£25 per month for 1 session per week


£40 per month for 2 sessions per week


There is no contract and monthly payments can be cancelled at any time.

So please get in touch about arranging to come to the next available session for your free trial.